Monday 1 August 2011


Ya, ya. I'm a bit late with the blogging deal. Just finished working overtime at my real-life job. I gotta bring home the bacon, baby!
So, let's talk about the BIG game on Sunday. The Tigers vs the Angels. Justin Verlander vs Jered 'Weasel' Weaver. A real heavyweight bout!!
The HBWHOF REALLY enjoyed this ballgame!!!
Since the game's already been over for 29 hours - I'm sure you've all seen the highlights and read the here's the HBWHOF synopsis...
Verlander just plain outpitched Weaver.
Weaver got mad and acted like a baby.
Weaver is a Weasel.

Verlander came very close to throwing his 3rd No-hitter.
He was 4 outs away.
Magglio Ordonez started the fun in the 3rd inning when he burned Weaver for a 2-run homer and watched the ball to make sure it was in fair territory.

Weaver took exception to Magglio admiring his dinger and yelled at him to run faster around the bases!
Here's Ordonez' side of the story:
"I don't hit many homers anymore, and I wanted to make sure that it stayed fair. After that, he was yelling at me to run faster, and I told him that I'm old - that's as fast as I run."
So the Tigers are leading 2-0 and Verlander is pitching a no-hitter.
Then in the 7th inning Carlos Guillen cranks a 'tater off Weaver.
Guillen obviously didn't appreciate Weaver yelling at Maggs cuz, after he went yard, he flipped his bat, did a little pose at the plate and skipped a few steps sideways! This infuriated Weaver who did a slow burn.

The next batter was Alex Avila and Weaver threw right at his melon.
Weaver and Angels' manager Mike Scioscia were immediately ejected...

Guillen's take on the incident: "Magglio has 14 years in the major leagues. You don't tell him to run. I respect people when they respect us. If you don't respect us, you don't get it."
So, now, Detroit has a 3-0 lead and Verlander's no-hitter is still intact.
It's the 8th inning and dickweed Erick Aybar tries to bunt to break-up the no-hit bid! Aybar gets to 2nd when Verlander throws the ball away for an error. Aybar makes it home to score on a botched rundown. The Angels get another run on a Maicer Izturis single. The Tigers are leading 3-2.
Verlander's final pitch is a 101 MPH heater to strike out Torii Hunter and end the 8th.

Verlander's line: 8 innings pitched, 1 hit, 2 runs(0 earned), 2 walks, 9 Ks.
Jose Valverde pitched the 9th for his 28th save.
Tigers win 3-2...


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