Friday 18 May 2012


Just so all you whacky Americans know - it's Victoria Day weekend in Canada - or, as it's more commonly known...May 24 weekend.
It's the official start to the summer up here in the Great White North.
If you're asking yourself, WTF? It's only May 18th?? You are absolutely correct. Our holiday falls on the closest weekend to long-dead Queen Victoria's birthday, which is May 24th.
It's because we're still considered part of the British Commonwealth.
We don't like guns, so there was no need for a revolution. We just sat back and did our own thing for a century-or-so and they kinda forgot all about us, so we started our own country.
We went from this...

To this...That, my friends, is evolution...

Part of the HBWHOF's Victoria Day weekend will, obviously, involve baseball.
On Saturday, I'll be at The Copa for the interleague extravaganza of the Tigers vs the Pirates.
It's the 18th Annual Negro Leagues Tribute Game and I ALWAYS attend...

The boys rock the old Negro League uniforms. It's très cool. And, as an added bonus, they're giving away an Austin Jackson Detroit Stars Bobblehead...SWEET!

I'm pretty pumped! So, have an awesome May 24 Weekend everybody!!

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