Thursday 11 April 2013


So, what do you think of the latest installment of the 'Billy Goat Curse'?
A guy drives up to the Wrigley Field security entrance on Waveland Avenue, drops off a box and drives away. Security workers open the box, which is addressed to Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts, and discover the severed head of a goat.

I'm sure all the Hot Baseball Wife Hall of Fame readers are familiar with the Cubbies and their 'Billy Goat Curse' but I'll provide the details for those who don't know the story: During the 1945 World Series, between the Chicago Cubs and the Detroit Tigers, a tavern owner named William “Billy Goat” Sianis tried to bring a goat to a World Series game, but was told his goat — which had a ticket — smelled too bad to be admitted. Sianis angrily put a curse on the team and since then, the Cubs haven’t been back to the World Series. Add to all this the fact that Cubs owner Ricketts has been negotiating a $300 million renovation of Chicago's beloved Wrigley Field which has angered many fans.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a special place in my heart for blondes and dogs. Here's one of my favourite women on the planet (Surprise - she's British) - Staci Ann Noblett and her dog, Simba...

Simba has to be the luckiest dog ever. Here is with India Reynolds & Rosie Jones...

...and, again, with Rosie Jones...

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