Thursday 8 November 2012


So, the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show happened.
Every year, just before Christmas, Victoria's Secret designs a $1,000,000 bejewelled bra and throws it on one of their smokin' hot models for all too see - then they get a major network to televise their runway extravaganza...

Sports Illustrated released, what they claim, are the 100 Greatest Sports Photos of All Time.
The highest ranking hockey photograph is this...

It's a picture of Wayne Gretzky scoring his 802nd career goal. It came in at #9 on the list.
C'mon SI! THIS is the greatest hockey photo? What a Clown Show!!!
When you think of iconic hockey images - you think of these...

That's just a really WEAK effort by Sports Illustrated. Complete FAIL.
Geez, that's not even the best Gretzky photo ever...

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